English Banana.com ESL Blog

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FREE English Class on the topic of “Clothes”! (VIDEO)

You are welcome to join us for this FREE pre-intermediate English language class on the topic of “Clothes”. It was a pleasure to teach this class last night in partnership with MySchoolo.com

Some New Talk a Lot Discussion Questions on the Topic of “Homes”

Yesterday I was teaching a pre-intermediate class and needed a few general discussion questions on the topic of “Homes”, so I came up with the following. Maybe you will be able to use them in your class too!

You could include them in a lesson based on the “Home” unit in Talk a Lot Elementary Book 1, for example.

Discussion Questions - Homes...

1. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be? Why?

2. Which is better – a house or a flat? Why? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

3. How many different kinds of home can you think of?

4. How will our homes be different in 50 years from now?

5. Which city in the world would be… a) the best, b) the worst, c) [insert other superlatives!] to live in? Why?

6. What are the most important factors in choosing a home?

7. Describe… a) your home, b) your grandparents’ home, c) [insert other!]. Compare them.

8. Who would you like to live with, if you could choose? Why?